Showing you how to fulfil your potential as responsible businesses


Client engagement

“The organisation was excellent. My clients at first felt a bit apprehensive, but quickly relaxed and had a fantastic day. They’ve already said that they want to come back next year.”

Bupa employee

  • Build real bonds
  • Not just a ticket to the rugby
  • Unique hospitality options

Corporate Teams

“In my 20 years of working, the standout best event I’ve ever done with a team. You’ve definitely helped us go a level deeper in understanding ourselves and each other .”

Clare Gilmartin, CEO, Trainline

  • Boost employee engagement
  • Move the needle on brand perception
  • Build the perfect challenge for you

Health & wellbeing

“We wanted to encourage our team to become fitter and healthier. We created an ‘average-to-awesome’ programme, with huge benefits beyond the workplace.”

Kesah Trowell, Head of CSR, Dixons Carphone

  • Clear link between physical & mental health
  • >90% feel healthier & fitter from training
  • Case studies from major brands

Brand building

“HEINEKEN 0.0 tastes fantastic.”

2019 Race to the Tower participant

63% of participants are now more likely to buy HEINEKEN products as a result of their event sponsorship.

  • Unique live event audience dwell time up to 9 days
  • All year round engagement due to size of challenges
  • Online and live event partner rights

Employee engagement

“There was a real sense of ‘As One’ throughout the whole ride and I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. I feel very lucky to have been part of it all and cannot fault one bit.”

DHL employee

  • Accessible and all-inclusive
  • Team bonding
  • Increased company pride

Fundraising & CSR

“I would love to see us doing something similar every year to show the public just what a community orientated organise we are becoming.”

RBS employee

  • We work with hundreds of UK charities
  • Experienced in setting up charity partnerships with companies
  • Many companies put fundraising at the heart of their KPIs
Companies we've worked with
Charities we've worked with