Showing you how to fulfil your potential as responsible businesses
“The organisation was excellent. My clients at first felt a bit apprehensive, but quickly relaxed and had a fantastic day. They’ve already said that they want to come back next year.”
Bupa employee
“In my 20 years of working, the standout best event I’ve ever done with a team. You’ve definitely helped us go a level deeper in understanding ourselves and each other .”
Clare Gilmartin, CEO, Trainline
“We wanted to encourage our team to become fitter and healthier. We created an ‘average-to-awesome’ programme, with huge benefits beyond the workplace.”
Kesah Trowell, Head of CSR, Dixons Carphone
“HEINEKEN 0.0 tastes fantastic.”
2019 Race to the Tower participant
63% of participants are now more likely to buy HEINEKEN products as a result of their event sponsorship.
“There was a real sense of ‘As One’ throughout the whole ride and I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. I feel very lucky to have been part of it all and cannot fault one bit.”
DHL employee
“I would love to see us doing something similar every year to show the public just what a community orientated organise we are becoming.”
RBS employee